We can not guarantee we will be able to transfer wind-surfs, bicycles, surfboards or other oversized and unconventional luggage to your accommodation.
Please make your own arrangements for this or call our Reservations Department on 0207 543 5555 at least 2 weeks before departure to check if the airline will accept the equipment.
You should also have insurance for these items and pay the excess luggage charged by the airline. Airlines have strict rules on carrying certain items on the aircraft.
Ski Equipment Carriage And Storage
If you choose to take your own ski equipment on holiday there will be an additional charge for carriage on the flight and storage in the resort.
To guarantee carriage and storage you must be pre-book this service. It will also be cheaper to pre-book rather than pay during check-in where carriage can not be guaranteed.
Please note that each ski bag should only contain one pair of skis/snowboard.