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Modern Day Slavery

Balkan Holidays Limited is a responsible and ethical tour operator, which has been operating in the UK travel business sector for more than 59 years, specialising in selling package-based holidays to Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Romania. We are a longstanding and active member of the trade body, ABTA, “The Association of British Travel Agents”, and participate in their various committees which do so much to raise standards in the travel business, both in the UK and overseas.

We are fully committed to supporting the goals and objectives which are contained in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to eradicate slavery in its many forms. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any customer or supplier which may be found to be engaging in any type of modern slavery practice. The company operates primarily in Bulgaria, but also trades in Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Romania. It is committed to observing the local laws in the above jurisdictions, including any laws which are relevant to preventing modern day slavery. However, the company will use the principles set out the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 as its guiding ones for acting against all forms of slavery in whichever jurisdiction it operates.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is fully committed to ensuring that all of its staff, including UK and overseas staff observe the company’s zero-tolerance policy towards any form of modern day slavery. All managers are expected to train their staff in the company’s policies in relation to modern day slavery to ensure that they understand the issue and are able to act upon it. The Board is also committed to ensuring that there is no form of modern day slavery in its overseas supply chain.

Due Diligence Processes

The Company only works with reputable suppliers in the countries in which it operates. It has longstanding, commercial relationships with hoteliers, airlines, transfer agents, and excursion providers. The company only works with fully licensed overseas suppliers which comply with their local laws, in particular on safety and security. As part of its commitment to the Modern Slavery Act, the Company endeavours to make their suppliers aware of its zero-tolerance policy on forced labour and to ensure that any of its sub-contractors in their supply chain also made aware of it. The Company will not work with any supplier or sub-contractor which has been found to have contravened any local law, related to preventing modern day slavery.

Risk Assessment

As part of its due diligence, the Company carries out checks on the suppliers it uses to ensure that they comply with their local standards in their line of business. The company will also be incorporating a clause in their agreements with its suppliers, outlining its zero-tolerance policy on modern day slavery, to make them aware that they will not work with any partners who engage in any form of modern day slavery.

Measuring Effectiveness

As a measure of the company’s commitment to supporting the Modern Day Slavery Act, all UK and overseas staff will be notified that any breach of the company’s above stated policy will be treated seriously by the Board of Directors, and could result in disciplinary action being taken against them.

Training of Staff

The company gives priority to ensuring that its staff are fully trained in the issues surrounding modern day slavery. The Board of Directors has designated its legal advisor, to assist in raising the awareness of its staff and suppliers of the company’s commitment to the Modern Day Slavery Act. The appointed legal advisor sits on various committees on the trade body, ABTA, including the health & safety and consumer & legal services committees, and has been awarded a certificate of training by ABTA in the subject of modern day slavery. They will be co-ordinating the training of staff both in the UK and overseas in raising their awareness of the issue and the company’s commitment to a zero-tolerance policy. The Board of Directors also actively encourage staff both in the UK and Overseas to report upon any suspicious activity on the part of customers or suppliers which would give rise to a suspicion of human trafficking or modern day slavery.


The Board of Directors acknowledges that they do not own or control the many supply chains in which they are involved in the various countries in which they operate and it would be impossible for them to monitor them on a 24/7 basis. However, the company only works with reputable and fully licenced suppliers and partners, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure they are fully compliant with their local laws in the field of preventing modern day slavery.

Why book with us?

Balkan Holidays has 59 years of experience in providing great value summer and winter holidays
and since 1966 we have sold millions of holidays.

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