Balkan Holidays Air Named Official Air Carrier to Iraq

Balkan Holidays Air Named Official Air Carrier to Iraq
19 May 2016

We are delighted to learn that our Charter Airline company Balkan Holidays Airlines (BH Air) has been chosen by the Bulgarian government as the official carrier between Bulgaria and Iraq.

The cabinet has authorized the airline to fly routes as agreed in the Agreement on Air Transport between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Iraq, which was signed on the 15th November 1966 in Sofia.

According to reports, the decision is expected to increase the number of passengers travelling between the two countries and boost the Bulgarian-Iraqi trade relations.

Balkan Holidays Airlines, headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria was founded in 2000 and started operations in 2002. BH Air operates 4 Airbus A320 and two Airbus A319, one of which is operated for the Bulgarian government. The airline is thrilled to have been awarded this contract and are pleased to be one of the first airlines involved in strengthening the economic and tourist relations between the two nations.

Balkan Holidays London offer charted flights from the UK to Bulgaria in both the summer and winter months from a wide selection of airports near you. To find out more or to book your next flight or holiday to Bulgaria, visit our website today.

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