A Closer Look At Sunny Beach

A Closer Look At Sunny Beach
02 Nov 2022

A lot of people have pre conceptions of Sunny Beach, many people think it’s a party resort and not for them, but when you look a bit further into the resort you find a different side of Sunny Beach, quite a few sides actually. 

There is indeed a party scene in Sunny Beach. Flower Street, in the centre of the resort does have bars and clubs where you’ll find the partygoers and it’s great fun. However, when you walk just one street away it’s so much quieter and then you have the rest of this glorious and varied resort to discover and enjoy. 

Sunny Beach is a large resort and the vast majority of it is relaxed and perfect for a ‘get away from it all’ holiday. There is a wide variety of hotels from 2 to 5 star, the modern trend is for all inclusive hotels which suits families, but you can really get the most of Sunny Beach by visiting local restaurants and bars where you can enjoy the Bulgaria food, which really is delicious by the way, or if you prefer there are all sorts of other food on offer. So, whether you like to relax by the pool within easy reach of refreshments(!) or you are holidaying as a family and have children that like water slides or access to an aqua park, Sunny Beach really does offer something for everyone. 

Action Aqua Park

So, what is there to do in Sunny Beach? Well first, you’re on holiday, so do spend some time relaxing by the pool or on the beach, you’ve earned it! If you want to see what else is on offer why not amble along the promenade that follows the length of the beach, it will take you past stalls selling all sorts of things from sports wear, clothes and locally made gifts. There are also cafes, bars and restaurants where you can sit and watch the world go by while enjoying a drink. A lot of people like to take this stroll as the sun sets and choose a different restaurant for dinner each night, and of course all of them offer wonderful food at low prices. You can enjoy an evening meal for around £10 to £15.  

VIP Catamaran Cruise
How about a day out and a trip to the beautiful town of Nessebar? You can get there by catching a boat from Sunny Beach that will take you across the bay. Nessebar is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a history dating back thousands of years. It has cobbled streets and wooden gabled houses and is a real step back in time. Do spend a while there and enjoy lunch in one of restaurants looking out to sea.  


How about an excursion that gives you a taste of the real Bulgaria. There’s a full day trip to the Blue Mountains where on the way you visit a local village and enjoy a chair lift down the mountain. If you prefer you can just visit the local village and spare yourself the ride in the lift! Either way this is a really good way to see the real Bulgaria.  

Real Bulgaria

When staying in Sunny Beach you simply must visit Khans Tent, a large restaurant and cabaret venue that overlooks the resort. You enjoy a three course meal with wine and then the cabaret starts with dancers, jugglers, acrobats and a live band at the end. Wonderful. 

Khans Tent Hanska Shatra

So you see there are plenty of different things to do while you’re in Sunny Beach, but you know sometimes just sitting in a bar enjoying a cold drink, where you feel relaxed, just can’t be beaten! 

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